Archives for 11月 2023



Mein Kampf Hamas

On Saturday, November 11, Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari claimed in a press conference that Israel had killed a “terrorist” who had prevented 1,000 civilians from escaping the Shifa Hospital. The allegations made little sense. Even by the standards of Israeli propaganda, falsifying such a piece of information while providing no context

Nakba 2.0:伊萨·阿姆罗对以色列希伯伦酷刑的内部描述

世界知名活动家伊萨·阿姆罗被 15 名武装以色列人拖走,他的眼睛被蒙住,嘴巴被堵住,手铐也被铐得很紧,现在他需要对他的双手进行手术。现在,阿姆罗与 MintPress 一起讲述巴勒斯坦人在以色列占领者手中所面临的可怕现实。

Issa Amro Feature

Editor’s Note: Dear Readers, MintPress News’ YouTube channel was recently demonetized, and many of our videos made age-restricted. We would greatly appreciate your support by becoming a member of our Patreon page so that we can continue to bring you important stories like this one. Much of the work that we do is supported by viewers like

ADL 关于反犹太事件上升的数据并不相符

ADL 的一份新报告称,美国各地的反犹太事件激增了 400% 以上。但正如艾伦·麦克劳德(Alan Macleod)所揭示的那样,除非将反对以色列轰炸加沙等同于对犹太人的仇恨,否则这些数字就不会相加。

ADL Data Feature photo

A new, highly publicized report from the Anti-Defamation League claims that anti-Semitic incidents across the United States have skyrocketed by more than 400%. But these ADL numbers do not add up – unless one equates opposition to the Israeli bombardment of Gaza with hatred of Jews. The Anti-Defamation League’s findings that anti-Semitic

YouTube 与亲以色列游说团体在删除 Lowkey 臭名昭著的歌曲“恐怖分子”背后的联系

“以色列最近对加沙的战争似乎被视为清理互联网上政治内容并重申信息主导地位的机会。最终,它不会起作用。正如过去的焚书者所发现的那样,当你压制一个想法时,你就抹黑了你自己的反对理由。” – 低调

Lyor Cohen Lowkey Feature photo

In a shocking turn of events, YouTube has abruptly taken down the official music video of "Terrorist?", a chart-topping anthem by activist rapper and MintPress News contributor Lowkey. No rationale was provided, leaving the renowned artist and his record label, Global Faction, bewildered. Yet, when one considers the track poses profound inquiries


“我们让你失望了。这是我们所背负的可怕的罪恶感。我们尝试过。但我们还不够努力。” ——克里斯·赫奇斯

Children of Gaza – by Mr. Fish

Dear child, It is past midnight. I am flying at hundreds of miles an hour in the darkness, thousands of feet over the Atlantic Ocean. I am traveling to Egypt. I will go to the border of Gaza at Rafah. I go because of you. You have never been in a plane. You have never left Gaza. You know only the densely packed streets and alleys. The concrete




Spartacus was a 1960 Hollywood film based on a book written secretly by the blacklisted novelist Howard Fast and adapted by the screenplay writer Dalton Trumbo, one of the ‘Hollywood 10’ who were banned for their ‘un-American’ politics. It is a parable of resistance and heroism that speaks unreservedly to our own times. Both writers were