Archives for 3月 2023


自从 2010 年我在伦敦第一次采访朱利安·阿桑奇以来,我就认识他了。我立刻喜欢上了他干巴巴、阴暗的幽默感,而 […]

John Pilger article's thumbnail

I have known Julian Assange since I first interviewed him in London in 2010. I immediately liked his dry, dark sense of humour, often dispensed with an infectious giggle. He is a proud outsider: sharp and thoughtful. We have become friends, and I have sat in many courtrooms listening to the tribunes of the state try to silence him and his moral


以下文字讲述了世界各地的亲巴勒斯坦社区正在为什么而战,以及亲以色列人正在为之而战的整个故事:加沙。”这是亲以色 […]

Featured image for Ramzy Baroud's article on Gaza children's art.

The following text tells the whole story of what pro-Palestinian communities around the world are fighting for, and what pro-Israelis are fighting against: “We are delighted to report that Chelsea and Westminster Hospital has removed a display of artwork designed by children from Gaza.” That was the summary of a news report published on the

克里斯·赫奇斯 (Chris Hedges):对可悲的人施以私刑

联邦政府对 1 月 6 日袭击美国国会大厦的数百名参与者进行的刑事调查正在使该国两极分化并破坏公民自由。 没有 […]

Mr Fish graphic for Chris Hedges. Executioner holding a MAGA cap.

The criminal investigation undertaken by the federal government against hundreds of participants in the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol is polarizing the country and shredding civil liberties.   There is little that unites me with those who occupied the Capitol building on Jan. 6. Their vision for America, Christian nationalism, white


1 月,萨尔瓦多报纸El Faro透露,该国警方已经购买了三种以色列监控工具。通过价值约 220 万美元的合同 […]

How Israeli cyber weapons are taking over Latin America article featured image

In January, Salvadoran newspaper El Faro revealed that the country’s police have purchased three Israeli surveillance tools. Through the approximately $2.2 million contract, El Salavador’s police acquired the Wave Guard Tracer, from Wave Guard Technologies, designed to trace calls, text, and data, the GEOLOC system sold by an unknown Israeli firm,


在过去的一个月里,天上有东西在消耗着这个事实!到目前为止,您对中国气球及其命运了解很多。美国派出 F-22 战 […]

Lee Chinese Balloon thumbnail

This past month has been consumed with the fact that there’s something in the sky! By now, you know a lot about the Chinese balloon and its fate. The U.S. sent F-22 fighter jets with F-15s and others in support, to blow it out of the sky with a Sidewinder missile. It’s a good thing we didn’t overreact. I’m sure it couldn’t take much to


巴勒斯坦驻联合国大使很少发表正式言论,对任何有关以色列占领巴勒斯坦的联合国程序表示高兴。事实上,巴勒斯坦大使利 […]

On False Hopes and Broken Promises: Behind the Scenes of the UN Statement on Palestine Article Thumbnail

Rarely does the Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations make an official remark expressing happiness over any U.N. proceeding concerning the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Indeed, the Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour is "very happy that there was a very strong united message from the Security Council against the illegal, unilateral