Archives for 5 月 2022

随着越来越多的学生、教师支持 BDS,美国大学保持种族隔离关系

尽管学生活动家越来越多地呼吁他们的学校支持 BDS 运动,但美国大学继续与以色列合作。

Israel Palestinians university

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL — This month, City University of New York’s (CUNY) law school faculty unanimously passed a resolution endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, joining a chorus of American universities advocating for Palestinian rights. Harvard University’s Crimson newspaper endorsed the movement earlier this year, with 50 of


从 2002 年成立以来,SpaceX 一直与国家安全国家,尤其是中央情报局极为接近。然而,马斯克本人继续受益于一种普遍的看法,即他不是系统的一部分。

Elon Musk Pentagon Feature photo

AUSTIN, TEXAS – Elon Musk’s proposed takeover of Twitter has ruffled many feathers among professional commentators. “Musk is the wrong leader for Twitter’s vital mission,” read one Bloomberg headline. The network also insisted, “Nothing in the Tesla CEO’s track record suggests he will be a careful steward of an important media property.” “Elon Musk



Palestinin vicyim blaming feature photo

JERUSALEM – Zionists like to admonish Palestinians by saying that they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. But, according to Zionist talking points, Palestinians missed several opportunities when Israel was willing to graciously “give” them pieces of their own land. Moreover, it is alleged that Palestinians have missed so many of


巴勒斯坦人民再次在大灾难周年纪念日前后团结起来,坚持为巴勒斯坦的 700 万难民和侨民提供回归权。

The Nakba is back on the Palestinian agenda. For nearly three decades, Palestinians were told that the Nakba - or Catastrophe - is a thing of the past. That real peace requires compromises and sacrifices, therefore, the original sin that has led to the destruction of their historic homeland should be entirely removed from any ‘pragmatic’

Shireen Abu Akleh 和以色列的新闻战争,与 Lina Abu Akleh

看门狗主持人 Lowkey 向 Lina Abu Akleh 讲述了她的姑姑 Shireen Abu Akleh 的遗产,以及以色列对媒体的持续战争。

Shireen Abu Akleh Podcast

  The MintPress podcast “The Watchdog,” hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know – including intelligence, lobby, and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting

Mark Esper 的 Tell-Some 揭示了美国对委内瑞拉的战争和恐怖计划


Mark Esper Venezuela Feature photo

WASHINGTON – A new book from former Defense Secretary Mark Esper has revealed shocking new details about the Trump administration’s war on Venezuela. “A Sacred Oath: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense During Extraordinary Times” admits that the Trump administration plotted to invade Venezuela and discussed assassinating President Nicolas Maduro,