The Cultural Looting of Gaza Feature photo

Archives for 5 月 2023


基辛格因其对乌克兰战争的看法而被提升为一位有远见的人。但拉姆齐·巴鲁德认为,这些观点已经过时且危险,反映出冷战思维模式在 21 世纪已不再适用。

Kissinger Russia Ukraine War Feature photo

It is unclear why 100-year-old Henry Kissinger has been elevated by the Western intelligentsia to serve the role of the visionary in how the West should behave in response to the Russia-Ukraine war. But does the centenarian politician have the answers? Every major global conflict that involved the US and its NATO allies in the past had its



Not On Our Dime!’: Why US Democrats Are Finally Challenging Israel Feature photo

Though the United States remains a strong supporter of Israel, there are some indications that the supposed 'unbreakable bond' with Tel Aviv is faltering, though more in language than in deeds. Following the provocative ‘Flag March’ on May 18, which is carried out annually by Israeli Jewish extremists in the Occupied Palestinian city of East

与凯文·戈斯托拉 (Kevin Gosztola) 一起为释放朱利安·阿桑奇而战

在对 Kevin Gosztola 的这次令人大开眼界的采访中,揭示朱利安·阿桑奇被拘留和美国政府对维基解密不断升级的攻击背后的真相,揭示维基解密暴露的宝贵信息以及一个秘密系统的潜在崩溃。

Feature Art Kevin Gostazala

The MintPress podcast “The Watchdog,” hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know – including intelligence, lobby, and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light



Jerusalem Day Flag march Feature photo

The annual display of Jewish Supremacy in Palestine, known as the Flag March, is not limited to the Old City of Jerusalem. It is part of a campaign of intimidation in cities around the country that have a significant Palestinian population. This year this racist, violent display of supremacy took place in Jerusalem, Yafa ad El-Lyd.   The



UN General Assembly China Feature photo

In anticipation of next month's United Nations Security Council talks on reforming the inherently archaic and dysfunctional political body, China’s foreign policy chief, Yang Yi, stated his country's demands. “The reform of the Security Council should uphold fairness and justice, increase the representation and voice of developing countries,

Chris Hedges 谈对乌克兰的武器、对中国的军事建设和五角大楼的支出

加入 MintCast 主持人 Mnar Adley 和 Alan MacLeod,与作家和普利策奖获奖记者 Chris Hedges 讨论华盛顿对战争的永久驱动。

MintCast Chris Hedges Feature photo

The war in Ukraine is well into its second year, and the United States is insistent on pumping billions more into the quagmire that has already seen thousands of lives lost and millions displaced. The U.S. has already approved more than $113 billion in aid to Ukraine, most of which is weaponry. This year, President Biden has earmarked a