Archives for 12月 2022

随着极右翼在以色列上台,J Street 努力争取相关性

J Street 是美国更有礼貌、更自由的亲以色列游说团体,在以色列政府公开拥抱极右翼法西斯主义之际,正努力维持其合法性。

J Street Feature photo

Strange things are taking place in the inner workings of the State of Israel, and here in the U.S., liberal Zionists must face the reality that they have not only failed, but unleashed the worst of the worst of the Zionist thugs who are now in power. The power in the “Jewish State” is no longer in the hands of so-called moderate Zionists who are



John Pilger Watchdog Feature photo

The MintPress podcast, “The Watchdog,” hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know – including intelligence, lobby and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light



Chris Hedges: Israel and the Rise of Jewish Fascism

PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY (Scheerpost) — Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposed coalition government of Jewish extremists, fanatic Zionists and religious bigots represents a seismic change in Israel, one that will exacerbate Israel’s pariah status, erode external support for Israel, fuel a third Palestinian uprising, or intifada, and create irreconcilable



Saudi China Feature photo

The problem with most Western media’s political analyses is that they generally tend to be short-sighted and focused mostly on variables that are of direct interest to Western governments. These types of analyses are now being applied to understanding official Arab attitudes towards Russia, China, global politics and conflicts. As Chinese



Israel World Cup Feature photo

We were mistaken to think that Palestine represents the central issue for all Arabs. Such language suggests that Palestine is an external subject to be compared to other collective struggles that consume most Arabs, everywhere. The ongoing celebration of Palestine and the Palestinian flag at the Qatar World Cup 2022 by millions of Arab fans compels

参议院候选人黛安·萨雷 (Diane Sare) 透露了她是如何登上乌克兰臭名昭著的“信息恐怖分子”黑名单的


Diane Sare Feature photo

Diane Sare ran for Senate this year in New York against Chuck Schumer and was very outspoken that the United States should not be funding and arming the proxy war in Ukraine. She didn't know that would earn her a spot on the Ukrainian government’s list of “information terrorists.” Ukrainian government officials said they were also looking into