Archives for 3 月 2022

Michael Malarkey、Styles P、Wretch32 和 FredWreck 等明星谴责以色列 Lobby 试图取消 Lowkey

谴责以色列大厅的袭击是为了让他沉默的粗鲁企图的签署者包括“吸血鬼日记”明星迈克尔马拉基、说唱歌手 Styles P 和 Wretch 32、摇滚传奇人物罗杰沃特斯和格莱美获奖制片人 FredWreck。

Dozens of prominent figures from the world of entertainment have come together to support hip hop artist and political campaigner Lowkey, after he was subject to a smear campaign and an attempt to remove his work from music streaming platform Spotify. Among the signatories denouncing the attack as a crude attempt to silence him include “Vampire

谎言、秘密录音和长尾小鹦鹉:以色列游说团体对 Lowkey 的肮脏战争

亲以色列的人群可能在迫使 Lowkey 本月停止演出方面赢得了一场小小的战斗,但他们正在输掉这场争夺整个西方人心的战争。

LONDON -- Hip hop artist, campaigner and host of the MintPress podcast “The Watchdog,” Lowkey is at the center of a storm of controversy that has reached as high as Prime Minister Boris Johnson himself. On Wednesday, the prime minister was asked about it in parliament and said that British universities have “for far too long been tolerant of


Nimbus 项目引发了一场涉及以色列高级将领的“秘密战争”——所有人都在争夺利润份额——并激起了许多其他国际科技公司的胃口。

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON -- “We are anonymous because we fear retaliation.” This sentence was part of a letter signed by 500 Google employees last October, in which they decried their company’s direct support for the Israeli government and military. In their letter, the signatories protested a $1.2 billion contract between Google, Amazon Web Services


一些人将这些城市(如 Lyd)称为“犹太人和阿拉伯人共同生活”的地方;然而,他们没有“团结”。定居者的目的是散布和煽动对巴勒斯坦人的仇恨,最终迫使他们离开,必要时使用暴力。

Israeli settlers self-defense Feature photo

LYD, OCCUPIED PALESTINE – “I will take you to the home of Musa Hassuna, the Shahid,” Fida Shehada wrote to me. This was in February of this year. I was in Palestine and planned to go to Lyd to see Fida, a councilwoman for the city. I had met her previously and interviewed her about her work and her effort to unseat the current mayor of the city,

乌克兰的宣传战:国际公关公司、DC 游说者和中央情报局的裁员


Ukraine Feature photo

WASHINGTON DC -- Since the Russian offensive inside Ukraine commenced on February 24, the Ukrainian military has cultivated the image of a plucky little army standing up to the Russian Goliath. To bolster the perception of Ukrainian military mettle, Kiev has churned out a steady stream of sophisticated propaganda aimed at stirring public and



PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY (Scheerpost) — The branding of Vladimir Putin as a war criminal by Joe Biden, who lobbied for the Iraq war and staunchly supported the 20 years of carnage in the Middle East, is one more example of the hypocritical moral posturing sweeping across the United States. It is unclear how anyone would try Putin for war crimes since