Archives for 2 月 2022

克里斯·赫奇斯(Chris Hedges):俄罗斯被诱入战争,但这并不能免除其犯罪侵略


PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY (Scheerpost) — Preemptive war, whether in Iraq or Ukraine, is a war crime. It does not matter if the war is launched on the basis of lies and fabrications, as was the case in Iraq, or because of the breaking of a series of agreements with Russia, including the promise by Washington not to extend NATO beyond the borders of a


塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)假装是一个民粹主义的普通人,发了大财,但他令人难以置信的粗略过去包括与新保守主义者、中央情报局的联系,以及多次作为反对派的“自由斗士”前往尼加拉瓜。

Tucker Carlson Feature photo

NEW YORK – Tucker Carlson is the hottest media personality in America. Comfortably the most watched cable news show, Tucker Carlson Tonight is a ratings bonanza, with even former President Donald Trump said to be a keen viewer. Part of Carlson’s appeal is that he presents himself as a maverick outsider, someone who thinks outside the box and is not



family reunification Feature photo

OCCUPIED EAST JERUSALEM — A controversial law banning family unification between Israelis and Palestinians in the occupied territories expired last summer, but right-wing politicians are seeking to resurrect it with a vengeance. This month, the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) approved, in the first of three votes, the Citizenship and Entry into



Ukraine Russia Feaeture photo

PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY (Scheerpost) — I was in Eastern Europe in 1989, reporting on the revolutions that overthrew the ossified communist dictatorships that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was a time of hope. NATO, with the breakup of the Soviet empire, became obsolete. President Mikhail Gorbachev reached out to Washington and Europe to



Abby Martin Watchdog

 “The U.S. military is the largest institutional polluter in the world. There is no corporation or industry that compares to the damage and devastation done by the U.S. war machine,” Abby Martin told Watchdog host Lowkey today. Abby Martin is a California-based artist, journalist and filmmaker who is host of The Empire Files, a series that



Omar Assad Feature photo

OCCUPIED WEST BANK — Around 3 a.m. on January 12, Omar As’ad was driving back to his home in the village of Jiljilya in the Occupied West Bank when he was stopped at a temporary Israeli military checkpoint. Israeli soldiers dragged the 78-year-old man out of his vehicle, bound his hands with zip ties, blindfolded him, gagged him, and left him in