Archives for 2 月 2021


“这基本上是重新获得和平协议的对立面,这是[拜登]承诺要做的。” -政治评论员凯尔·库林斯基(Kyle Kulinski)

US Syria Feature photo

WASHINGTON -- Barely a month into his presidency, Joe Biden launched an airstrike on Syria yesterday. The attack was reportedly aimed at militias close to the Iraq border, killing 22 people — considerably more than the White House first claimed. In the attack, 1.75 tons of bombs were dropped on a small border-crossing village, according to The New



Ali Abu Aliya

JERUSALEM -- Last year, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian teenager with an American gun. Now human rights organizations, activists, and politicians are calling on the United States to investigate the killing and stop the flow of military support to Israel. On Dec. 4, 2020, Israeli forces fatally shot Ali Abu Aliya in the stomach while he was


“沙特阿拉伯粉碎了我们的革命,把我们的生活变成了地狱,因为统治家族将我们的起义解释为对他们的影响的威胁,也因为他们担心革命会蔓延到沙特内部。” -也门艺术家Aisha Ali Saeed

Yemen Feature photo

SANA'A, YEMEN -- A decade has passed since a massive popular uprising was sparked in Yemen by the wave of pro-democracy protests surging across the Middle East and North Africa known as the Arab Spring. The protests called for the overthrow of dictatorial regimes and sought democracy, sovereignty, and the elimination of poverty and unemployment.



Matthew Health Feature photo

CARACAS -- Unless you read the local Venezuelan press, you are unlikely to know that an American secret agent is currently standing trial in Venezuela on charges of terrorism and weapons trafficking. Matthew John Heath was arrested in September outside Amuay and Cardon oil refineries in possession of a submachine gun, a grenade launcher, C4

乔·拜登(Joe Biden)告诉世界“美国又回来了”-并不是说它真的去过任何地方


Joe Biden Feature photo

WASHINGTON -- “America is back,” President Joe Biden bellicosely proclaimed in his major foreign policy priorities speech at the Munich Security Conference on February 19. Repeating it for effect, Biden signaled the end of the Trump interregnum. No more assuring words could have been uttered for George W. Bush’s former Defense Secretary Colin



Israel Election Arab Voters Feature photo

Elections for the Israeli Knesset are scheduled for next month. It has also recently been announced that in May and June there will be elections held for the Palestinian Authority’s legislative and executive branches. Since both the Palestinian Authority and the State of Israel exist to deny Palestinians the rights and freedom they deserve, one may