Archives for 11 月 2019



Muath Amarneh Feature photo

On November 15, Palestinian photojournalist Muath Amarneh covered a demonstration in Surif, a West Bank city where residents were protesting against the theft of their land by Israeli settlers. Wearing a press jacket and helmet, Amarneh was shot in the head by an Israeli bullet while taking pictures on a nearby hill — about 330 feet from the



Yemen Dengue Feature photo

TAIZ, YEMEN -- Beyond the devastation it has caused on the back of tens of thousands of airstrikes, a crippling blockade and the intentional targeting of civilian infrastructure, the Saudi-led coalition supported by the United States has sparked an outbreak of disease and epidemics in Yemen in a manner not seen since World War II. Yemeni


巴斯大学的马修·阿尔福德(Matthew Alford)博士告诉MintPress,亚马逊的新产品是“一系列产品的耻辱”,正当美国在委内瑞拉社会席卷喉boot之时,不公正地妖魔了一个国家。

Jack Ryan Venezuela Feature photo

The second season of the big budget series Jack Ryan has just debuted across multiple platforms. Described as “the huge hit that Amazon has been hoping for,” the series follows the story of an eponymous CIA agent as he attempts to overthrow ruthless Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Reyes. Reyes, we learn, has acquired a nuclear weapon from Russia and is



Bolivia Cou[ Feature Photo

Facing increased resistance to its rule, the new “transition” government of Jeanine Añez in Bolivia has begun to purge and censor potential threats to its authority, including in the media. TeleSUR, an international media network that began as a collaboration between left-wing Latin American nations, including deposed President Evo Morales’ Bolivia


Miko Peled写道,随着内塔尼亚胡(Netanyahu)面临腐败指控,阿拉伯人成为可预见的替罪羊,以色列的政治肥皂剧才刚刚起步。

The Israeli election process, like a bad soap opera, has been going on for many months now with no end in sight, and precisely like a poorly made soap opera, the squabbling, blaming, threatening, scare tactics and mudslinging have lead to nothing.    The Boss Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, assumed to be the “Boss” of Israeli politics,



Bolivia Coup Feature Photo

I am writing from Bolivia just days after witnessing the November 19 military massacre at the Senkata gas plant in the indigenous city of El Alto, and the tear-gassing of a peaceful funeral procession on November 21 to commemorate the dead. These are examples, unfortunately, of the modus operandi of the de facto government that seized control in a