Archives for 10月 2023



Israel gaza airstrikes Feature photo

Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — The indiscriminate shootings of Israelis by Hamas and other Palestinian resistance organizations, the kidnapping of civilians, the barrage of rockets into Israel, drone attacks on a variety of targets from tanks to automated machine gun nests, are the familiar language of the Israeli occupier. Israel has spoken this

Netanyahu’s Humiliating Reality Check: Israel’s ‘Invincible’ Army Falls Short

It is unclear what direction Netanyahu will choose. But either way, no matter what will happen in the coming days and weeks, Israel has, in many ways, already lost the war.

Benjamin Netanyahu Feature photo

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had often boasted about the readiness of his army to deal with and eliminate all threats to Israel's ‘security.’ The Israeli military, too, has contributed to the Israeli hasbara that Tel Aviv would be able to face several threats at all fronts, from Gaza to the West Bank, to Lebanon, and Syria. But



Gilad Erdan

A new trend is emerging in the Israeli hasbara discourse targeting Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims: women’s rights. The word ‘new’ is not exactly accurate. The misuse of the genuine struggle for women’s rights in the Arab and Muslim world is only new insofar as the increasing reliance on the tactic within the larger Israeli propaganda



Protest (Assembly Required) – by Mr. Fish

Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — There was a decade of popular uprisings from 2010 until the global pandemic in 2020. These uprisings shook the foundations of the global order. They denounced corporate domination, austerity cuts and demanded economic justice and civil rights. There were nationwide protests in the United States centered around the



Israel far right extremists Feature photo

Across Europe, far-right populism is surging. Right-wing parties with neo-fascist roots are part of governing coalitions or increasing their parliamentary seats. Yet fears of anti-Semitism rising in Europe haven't stopped Israel from engaging with Europe's extremists — a policy of the state even before its inception. In August, Israel's


虽然西方许多人对中国的看法非常悲观,但中国问题专家约翰·罗斯(John Ross)的看法要乐观得多,他告诉 MintCast,中国的持续经济增长是世界历史上最高的国家。 “人们不了解中国的成功有多大,也不了解它对普通中国人生活的转变意味着什么,”

There is no doubt about it: China is rising. Whether it sparks hope and interest or fear and worry, it is impossible to ignore the country’s rapid economic and social transformation. Just a few decades ago, the words “made in China” were a synonym for bad quality junk. But today, China leads the world in all manner of high-tech industries,