Archives for 5月 2023

与胡达·阿莫里 (Huda Amori) 一起关闭以色列军火工业

巴勒斯坦行动组织的联合创始人胡达·阿莫里 (Huda Ammori) 返回看门狗 (The Watchdog),揭示他们的草根运动如何迫使军火制造商逃离并挑战英国在以色列战争罪行中的同谋。

Watchdog Huda Amori Feature photo

The MintPress podcast “The Watchdog,” hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know – including intelligence, lobby, and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light


Miko Peled 对 Nakba 的真实性质发表了看法,这是一个胆大包天的以色列国家仍在强加给巴勒斯坦人民的悲剧。

Nakba 75 years Feature photo

Even with all the protests and mentions of Nakba Day on social media, commemorating this horrific, sad event is nowhere near where it ought to be. Arguably one of the darkest and most awful chapters in the long history of Palestine, the Nakba needs to be fully commemorated in every capital in the world. The politicization of the ethnic cleansing

石油战争、武器以及美国如何助长索马里危机,安·加里森 (Ann Garrison)

在 Mnar Adley 和 Alan Macleod 对记者 Ann Garrison 的令人大开眼界的采访中,发现美国在索马里的军事存在背后不为人知的真相、它对该地区的影响,以及正在发挥作用的战略利益。

MintCast Ann Garrison

Congress recently voted against pulling American troops out of Somalia. Officially, U.S. forces number 900 and are there in an advisory role to help the government of Hassan Sheikh Mohamud combat terrorist forces such as Al-Shabab. Yet our guest today states that U.S. boots on the ground in Somalia are doing nothing but serving as a recruiting


拉姆齐·巴鲁德 (Ramzy Baroud) 博士揭示了巴勒斯坦抵抗组织新建立的团结如何挑战以色列的宣传和内塔尼亚胡对权力的控制。

Netanyahu's Tactical Mistake: A Fragmented Israel Faces Palestinian Unity Feature photo

All Israeli wars on the Palestinians throughout the years have been promoted and justified by Tel Aviv in the name of ‘security’ and ‘fighting terrorism.’ Israel’s biggest challenge throughout many of these wars was hardly the Palestinian Resistance, however steadfast and resilient. The challenge has always been Tel Aviv’s ability to kill many



In 1999, South African anti-apartheid activist and revolutionary leader Nelson Mandela visited Gaza and said, "We know too well our freedom is not complete without the freedom of the Palestinians." Since his death in 2013, Mandela’s unifying message of decolonization reverberated across the globe. The anti-colonial, anti-apartheid struggle that



“Independent” Ukrainian “Kill List” Actually Run By Kiev, Backed by Washington Feature photo

Late last year, my name was added to a blacklist published online by the Ukraine Center for Countering Disinformation. I joined over ninety others deemed to be “speakers who promote narratives consonant with Russian propaganda.“ These included Manuel Pineda and Clare Daly, both leftist Members of the European Parliament (MEP); Also counted