Archives for 11月 2021



Saudi Media Feature photo

RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA -- Saudi state media outlets have been found to repeatedly report information, lacking sources or supporting evidence, in order to attack their political opposition in the Middle East. This can range from stories about deserters from Hamas to the utterly absurd fictions regarding alleged assassinations of high-ranking Iranian

披露:文件显示比尔盖茨已向媒体提供 3.19 亿美元

MintPress 筛选了公司数据库中的 30,000 多笔赠款,可以透露盖茨基金会已为数百家媒体和企业提供资金,金额至少为 3.19 亿美元。

Bill Gates Feature photo

SEATTLE -- Up until his recent messy divorce, Bill Gates enjoyed something of a free pass in corporate media. Generally presented as a kindly nerd who wants to save the world, the Microsoft co-founder was even unironically christened “Saint Bill” by The Guardian. While other billionaires’ media empires are relatively well known, the extent to



Yemen bombing Feature photo

YEMEN-SAUDI BORDER -- This week, dozens of people were killed and injured near the Yemen-Saudi border when U.S.-made warplanes and French-made howitzer cannons fired unabated on many populated border areas in Sadaa and Hajjah -- including the Monabeh, Sahar, alSafra, al-Dhaher and Sheda areas. Samer Manea Ali Hussein, a 15-year-old Yemeni boy, was


Jimmy Cherizier 和 FRG9 已经控制了海地最重要的航运码头,要求代理总理阿里尔亨利辞职和审判。虽然拜登政府不愿干预,但环城公路机构正在加大压力。

Update: As this article went to publication, Jimmy Cherizier announced a temporary lifting of the FRG9’s blockade on the Varreux gas terminal for a one week period, deeming it a “truce for a week of reflection.” The truce will end on November 18, 2021, the anniversary of the Battle of Vertières, which marked the end of Napoleon’s bid to restore


“我们很清楚,南美洲、拉丁美洲必须停止成为美国的后院。” – 玻利维亚总统路易斯·阿尔塞与 MintPress 交谈。

 LA PAZ, BOLIVIA -- Bolivian President Luis “Lucho” Arce did not pull his punches when asked by MintPress News last week what he thought about U.S. interventions in his region: “The message that we give to Mr. Biden is that he should continue being president of the United States and let all the presidents of Latin America be presidents of our



On November 8, 2021, Twitter locked my account for a period of one day for responding to corporate media darling and Russiagate fanatic Keith Olbermann’s slanderous reply to journalist Wyatt Reed’s coverage of the Nicaraguan election. The flagged tweet simply restated Olbermann’s question, replacing “whore for a dictator” with “whoring for the