Archives for 4月 2024



Israel | Extremists

Throughout history, fringe religious Zionist parties have had limited success in achieving the kind of electoral victories that would allow them an actual share in the country's political decision-making. The impressive 17 seats won by Israel's extremist religious party, Shas, in the 1999 elections was a watershed moment in the history of these



Israeli Supremacy Crumbles Feature photo

It’s difficult to overestimate the importance of the operation launched by Hamas and factions of the Palestinian Resistance on October 7, which forever annihilated the prestige of the Israeli army. Yet the strikes launched by Iran on April 13 and 14 are also truly historic. For the first time, the backbone of the Axis of Resistance targeted



Namibia Palestine Feature photo

The distance between Gaza and Namibia is measured in the thousands of kilometers. But the historical distance is much closer. This is precisely why Namibia was one of the first countries to take a strong stance against the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Namibia was colonized by the Germans in 1884, while the British colonized Palestine in the 1920s,


罗伯特·因莱克什(Robert Inlakesh)揭露了媒体忽视的以色列数十年来针对伊朗的暗杀、袭击和破坏活动的隐藏历史。

Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel was framed in the West as a reckless attempt to spark a major regional war, but in reality,  Israel has been attacking Iran for decades. As is routinely the case with Western-backed wars, the corporate media’s timeline begins at the moment that suits their narrative. We have seen this play out recently, with



Amal Clooney Feature photo

Editor’s Note | On May 20, Amal Clooney released a statement on the website of the Clooney Foundation for Justice’s website, revealing that she has been aiding the International Criminal Court in its evaluation of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Israel and Gaza. This could explain her recent reticence to discuss the situation

MintPress 新闻:反击暴行宣传

虽然企业主流媒体为以色列在加沙实施种族灭绝提供了掩护,但 MintPress 一直站在挑战暴行宣传的最前沿,并点名从这场屠杀中获利的人的名字。为此,我们在财务和算法上都成为了目标。

Fundraiser Banner 2024

I want to invite you to the fight against media manipulation and censorship to help us break through the propaganda. For nearly six months, we’ve witnessed Israel openly commit genocide in Gaza while it was livestreamed right on our smartphones. For nearly six months, we’ve witnessed mainstream media outlets like The New York Times, CNN, and