Archives for 10 月 2023

身份验证还是数据泄露? Twitter 使用由前军事官员领导的以色列科技公司来验证用户

杰西卡·布克斯鲍姆 (Jessica Buxbaum) 调查了 X 与一家由前情报官员运营的以色列科技公司之间的合作关系,强调了其对监视、审查和数字权利的潜在影响。

Twitter Israel Feature photo

The social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) is working with an Israeli tech firm to verify BlueTick subscribers, raising suspicions that personal data could fall into the hands of the Israeli government or private sector, both of whom have a long history of illegally stealing user data, including from X itself, and spying on both allies



Gaza Resistance Feature photo

History will not forgive those who have remained silent, exhibited or expressed ‘balanced’ positions - or worse, defended Israel’s ongoing genocide in an already besieged, impoverished and overcrowded Gaza. This is not a cliché declaration, but a desperate attempt aimed at jolting the world, especially the Western world, to show a degree of

汉尼拔指令:10 月 7 日到底发生了什么

随着战争迷雾的散去,10 月 7 日的真实故事似乎并不像以前看起来那么简单。

October 7 Feature photo

Editor’s Note: Dear Readers, MintPress News’ YouTube channel was recently demonetized, and many of our videos made age-restricted. We would greatly appreciate your support by becoming a member of our Patreon page so that we can continue to bring you important stories like this one. Much of the work that we do is supported by viewers like you. We



Mideast Regional War Feature photo

London -- (Craig Murray) -- October 23 saw the most violent bombardment of Gaza until that point, notably concentrated on precisely the areas where Israel ordered the population to evacuate. I find it almost impossible to believe that this genocide is underway with the active support of nearly all Western governments. I want to examine two


以色列令人震惊的违反国际法的行为已向全世界展示。由于您可能不会在主流媒体上听说过其中许多罪行,因此以下是以色列自 2023 年 10 月 7 日以来犯下的一些最严重的战争罪行。

Israeli War Crimes Feature photo

Editor’s Note: Dear Readers, MintPress News’ YouTube channel was recently demonetized, and many of our videos made age-restricted. We would greatly appreciate your support by becoming a member of our Patreon page so that we can continue to bring you important stories like this one. Much of the work that we do is supported by viewers like you. In


从戈尔达·梅厄的“巴勒斯坦人不存在”到梅纳赫姆·贝京的“巴勒斯坦人是两条腿走路的野兽”,到伊莱·本·达汉的“巴勒斯坦人就像动物,他们不是人”,再到许多其他种族主义和非人性化的说法,犹太复国主义话语仍然没有改变。 。

Language of genocide Feature photo

Tutsis are cockroaches. We will kill you." Arabs are like “drugged cockroaches in a bottle.” The first quote was a line repeated frequently by the Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines, a Rwandan radio station, which is largely blamed for inciting hatred towards the Tutsi people. The second is by former Israeli army Chief-of-Staff,