Archives for 9 月 2020



In a political climate that broadly supports Israel both financially and ideologically, a student group at Columbia University has beaten the odds, passing a referendum that calls for circumspection of its school’s investment in the state. What makes this accomplishment particularly striking is the fact that Congress and U.S. states are



inequality study feature photo

Millionaires and billionaires hold a remarkable 79.2 percent of the United States’ household wealth. That is according to a newly released triennial study into consumer and household finances from the Federal Reserve. The report paints a picture of an unequal America, where a small minority of the rich control the vast majority of household wealth.



Biden Trump Debate Feature photo

Tuesday night’s much anticipated presidential debate between incumbent Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden drew the attention of tens of millions around the world. But few appeared satisfied or enlightened after watching it. Although it touched on many serious topics, including the Supreme Court, climate change, policing, and the



Election 2020 Feature photo

Republicans and Democrats alike fear that the other party will attempt to hijack this election. President Trump is convinced that mail-in ballots are a scam except in Florida, where it’s safe to vote by mail because of its “great Republican governor.” The FBI is worried about foreign hackers continuing to target and exploit vulnerabilities in the



Amy Coney Barrett Art

The Trump White House wasted no time in nominating Amy Coney Barrett, a devout Catholic,  to the Supreme Court after RBG's passing gave this administration an unprecedented third bite at the SCOTUS apple. Barring an improbable successful challenge by Democrats, Barrett is on her way to becoming a Supreme Court justice and tipping the scales of the



Israel US Feature photo

The United States continues to use the American taxpayers’ expense account to prioritize Israel’s aspirations. Close on the heels of the so-called Abraham Accords earlier this month, which normalized relations between Israel and the Arab states of Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Trump administration is formulating plans to