Archives for 6 月 2020



Bolivia Twitter Feature photo

Social media giant Twitter took the step of suspending the official account of MintPress News on Saturday. Without warning, the nine-year-old account with 64,000 followers was abruptly labeled as “fake” or “spam” and restricted. This move is becoming a frequent occurrence for alternative media, especially those that openly challenge U.S. power



Aurora Feature photo

Clad in full riot gear, wielding batons and pepper spray, police in Aurora, Colo, broke up last night’s vigil to the memory of 23-year-old massage therapist Elijah McClain  — a man killed by the same police force last August. The day had begun with demonstrations organized by the local chapter of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. At 8.30 p.m.


1990年,劳伦斯·贝尔(Lawrence Bell)14岁,成为孤儿,生活在一个废弃的房子里,当时三名坎登警察向他施压,要求他签署谋杀认罪书。星期天,由于他的下水道工费力,他被释放了。

Lawrence Bell

Rahway, New Jersey (Scheerpost) -- When Lawrence Bell, an orphan living in an abandoned house in Camden, New Jersey, went to prison he was 14-years-old. Barely literate and weighing no more than 90 pounds, he had been pressured by three Camden police detectives into signing a confession for a murder and rape he insisted at his trial he did not


艾比·马丁(Abby Martin)的新纪录片《暴露的阿富汗战争:帝国阴谋》是一部巡回演出,必须注意每一位寻求全面了解美国人历时最长的战争的美国人。

Afghanistan Mural Feature photo

The perpetual occupation of Afghanistan has become so normalized that it mostly serves as background noise to most Americans. It’s even jokingly referred to as the "Forever War," accepted as just another constant reality. A soldier dies now and again, a couple of dozen civilians get killed in another bombing. It’s never enough to stir the

以色列警察杀害艾哈迈德·埃雷卡特(Ahmad Erekat),充分展示了西方媒体的偏见


Ahmed Erekat Feature photo

Menifee, CA (IAK) — Reuters reported Wednesday on the latest “alleged car-ramming incident” in which a Palestinian was killed at an Israeli military checkpoint. The news story – from the outlet that reaches “more than one billion people every day” – was brief, yet included statements from both an Israeli police spokesperson and a relative of the



COVID-19 Feature photo

Through the magic of Internet meme culture, most Millennials will be familiar with the famous opening scene of the 1942 film, “Casablanca,” where two policemen stop a civilian in the "old Moorish section" of Nazi-occupied French Morocco and ask him for his "papers." The subject is taken away at once after failing to produce the required documents.