Archives for 12月 2018


“虽然瑞典的会谈是第一次成功的谈判,但没有重新开放萨那国际机场的协议,支付政府工作人员的工资,以及中央银行的中立是毫无意义的。” – 也门记者穆罕默德AL-阿萨迪

Yemen | Peace Talks

SANA’A, YEMEN -- (Report) Last week’s peace talks in Sweden between the Saudi-led coalition and Yemen’s Houthis was cause for celebration for many the world-over who hoped to finally see an end to Yemen’s bloody war. But many of Yemen’s people hedging their bets and have expressed frustration over the results of the week-long talks in Rimbo, talks


沙特阿拉伯自周四宣布停战至少50次后违反了Hodeida停火协议 – 发动了50次空袭,因为交易中的墨水仍在干燥。

Yemen | Saudi Arabia

HODEIDA, YEMEN -- Hope was quickly dashed for the residents of Yemen’s Hodeida after a week of peace talks in Sweden initially gave rise to a ceasefire between Houthi forces and the Saudi-led coalition.  But instead of peace, the sounds of fierce clashes and coalition fighter jets re-echo throughout the province. Saudi Arabia has violated the

墨西哥新一代反对新自由主义的指责 – 但北美自由贸易协定呢?


Mexico | NAFTA | AMLO

I had the great fortune to attend the inauguration of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (or AMLO, as he is known) as the 58th Mexican president on December 1. The atmosphere at the Legislative Palace was electric with the knowledge that Mexico would be beginning its “Fourth Transformation” — following its 1810 independence, the 1855 reformation, and the


委内瑞拉总统还警告不要在委内瑞拉南部边境从巴西进行军事挑衅。当选总统Jair Bolsonaro的副总统,退休将军Hamilton Mourao先前曾表示“委内瑞拉将发生政变”,巴西将领导“和平力量”。

作者 teleSUR
John Bolton

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro gave a press conference to international media Wednesday where he hailed the success of the Venezuelan municipal elections, while also accusing the United States of plotting to kill him. Specifically, he pointed the finger at John Bolton, President Trump's national security advisor, who he said was



Ileana Ros-Lehtinen | Nicaragua

GrayZone Project -- Every single member in both chambers of the US Congress approved legislation that will impose sanctions and financial restrictions on Nicaragua in an explicit effort to weaken its government. Known as the NICA Act, the bill is now on its way to the desk of President Donald Trump, who will almost certainly sign it into

Bellingcat的刻赤加夫 – Kurt Volker如何买乌克兰的谎言


Kurt Volker | Ukraine

For 5 years Ukraine has bamboozled supporters by using "independent" researchers like Bellingcat that work with Ukraine's Intel to fabricate its innocence. On November 25th, the Kerch incident happened, worsening the West's relationship with Russia ahead of the G-20 Meeting in Argentina. Seemingly right on cue, Russian planners couldn't find