MANAGUA, NICARAGUA (The Grayzone) — Just days before Nicaragua’s November 7 elections, top social media platforms censored top Nicaraguan news outlets and hundreds of journalists and activists who support their country’s leftist Sandinista government. The politically motivated campaign of Silicon Valley censorship amounted to a massive purge of
在选举前认识尼加拉瓜人 Facebook 虚假品牌机器人和审查日
在尼加拉瓜 11 月 7 日选举前几天,Facebook、Instagram 和 Twitter 暂停了数百名有影响力的亲桑地诺派记者和活动家,并错误地声称他们是政府巨魔。灰色地带采访了他们以揭露真相。
作者 Ben Norton