Archives for 12月 2018



RIMBO, SWEDEN -- Following three years of one of the bloodiest battles of the 21st century, the Saudi assault on Yemen’s key port city of Hodeida may be nearing its end. The Saudi-led coalition and Ansar Allah, the political wing of the Houthi resistance movement, have agreed to a ceasefire in Hodeida and in the Taiz Province of northwestern Yemen,



South Sudan Child Soldiers

During the South Sudanese Civil War, which has claimed nearly 400,000 lives, the United States helped the main belligerent in the war continually acquire arms through Uganda, a close U.S. ally in the region. For years, the Ugandan government channeled arms, ammunition, and military aircraft to the regime of President Salva Kiir, according to



Military | Pollution

In the spirit of a new year and a new Congress, 2019 may well be our best and last opportunity to steer our ship of state away from the twin planetary perils of environmental chaos and militarism, charting a course toward an earth-affirming 21st century. The environmental crisis was laid bare by the sobering December report of the UN Climate

观看|以色列游说团体试图让Marc Lamont Hill被解雇


Marc Lamont Hill

 MintPress editor in chief, Mnar A. Muhawesh exposing the groups behind CNN's firing of Marc Lamont Hill, and the Israel lobby groups trying to get him fired from Temple University. Top Photo | Activist, author, and now former CNN host Marc Lamont Hill gestures during an interview with VladTV. YouTube | VladTV Mnar Muhawesh is



Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks at a campaign rally at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, March 15, 2016. (AP/Ricardo Arduengo)

 MintPress editor in chief Mnar A. Muhawesh explains why there's nothing to celebrate in Bernie Sanders "Yemen Bill" which was aimed at ending the US involvement in Yemen. It actually does the opposite... Here's the loophole that allows for continued US involvement in Yemen. Feature photo | Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie


Mnar Muhawesh讨论了社交媒体巨头在地图上消除独立新闻的努力,以及如何打击这种刻意的审查形式。

Poland | Facebook | Protest

 MintPress founder & editor in chief, Mnar Muhawesh, recently produced a live stream on Facebook to discuss social media giants' efforts to wipe independent journalism off the map and what we're doing to combat this deliberate form of censorship. Top Photo | A protest against events, groups and profiles blocked by Facebook in front of