Archives for 8 月 2018


“这是联邦政府与通过协商采取捷径的公司之间邪恶联盟的结果,”大酋长斯图尔特菲利普表示。 “我对司法系统的信心在今天有所恢复。”

trans mountain pipeline

Indigenous peoples and climate campaigners scored a major victory in Canada on Thursday as the Federal Court of Appeals ruled that the government's review of the controversial Trans Mountain Pipeline, a project of Kinder Morgan, did not adequately consult with First Nations before greenlighting the project. The ruling comes after ongoing and


来自半岛电视台“大厅 – 美国”纪录片的独家泄露场景展示了以色列紧急委员会执行主任诺亚波拉克和胡佛研究所如何在巴勒斯坦全国会议上对2016年正义学生进行煽动性抗议。

The Grayzone Project has released scenes from an investigative Al Jazeera undercover documentary, “The Lobby – USA,” whose publication was blocked by the government of Qatar under Israel lobby pressure. The footage reveals how Emergency Committee on Israel Executive Director Noah Pollak and the right-wing Hoover Institution organized an



Rohingya Muslim girl Afeefa Bebi, who recently crossed over from Myanmar into Bangladesh, holds her few-hours-old brother as doctors check her mother Yasmeen Ara at a community hospital in Kutupalong refugee camp, Bangladesh, Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017. The family crossed into Bangladesh on Sept. 3. Recent violence in Myanmar has driven hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims to seek refuge across the border in Bangladesh. But Rohingya have been fleeing persecution in Buddhist-majority Myanmar for decades, and many who have made it to safety in other countries still face a precarious existence. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin)

“Israeli weapons are used in the ethnic and religious cleansing carried out by the Myanmar army against the Rohingya minority, resulting in the persecution of 700,000 Muslims who were slaughtered and expelled from their country,” said Israeli writer and journalist Tsur Shezaf in an article published by the Israeli newspaper Yedioth



作者 teleSUR
puerto rico

The Mayor of Puerto Rico’s capital San Juan, Carmen Yulin Cruz, said U.S. President Donald Trump’s negligent response to Hurricane Maria in September 2017 was responsible for the deaths of almost 3,000 people. "The Trump administration killed the Puerto Rican with neglect," Cruz told CNN. "The Trump administration led us to believe that they


以色列国从一开始就通过了限制巴勒斯坦人在生活所有领域的权利的法律 – 从公民权利到政治参与权,土地和住房权,教育权利,文化和语言权利,宗教权利,和正当程序权利。

An Israeli soldier aims his rifle at an unarmed Palestinian during a protest against Israel's apartheid wall in the Palestanian village of Bilin near Ramallah. Majdi Mohammed | AP

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL (Analysis) -- Who needs a Nation State Law? What does the insistence and the passing of a law that states Israel’s exclusive rights to the land and the state mean? Since many laws and the reality on the ground make it seemingly obvious that Israel is already a state for Jews, one would think this law is redundant at least, if not



WASHINGTON -- Talks between the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, as North Korea is officially known) have taken a decided turn for the worse this week, proving the inability of the two sides to make headway since June’s Singapore summit between President Donald Trump and DPRK leader Kim Jong-un. The halt in