Archives for 4月 2015

Ferguson And Now Baltimore Prove There’s No Free Lunch

We pay, one way or the other, for the way our country leaves the poor out on a limb and far from a leafy gated community.

A police officer throws an object at protestors, Monday, April 27, 2015, following the funeral of Freddie Gray in Baltimore. Gray died from spinal injuries about a week after he was arrested and transported in a Baltimore Police Department van.

A police officer throws an object at protestors, Monday, April 27, 2015, following the funeral of Freddie Gray in Baltimore. Gray died from spinal injuries about a week after he was arrested and transported in a Baltimore Police Department van. When one looks upon the recent bout of unrest in Baltimore, and, prior to that, in Ferguson,

Ongoing Protests In Baltimore Joined In Solidarity in Chicago, Oakland, Elsewhere

Citizen journalists and local reporters are doing more to reveal the truth about Baltimore with their smartphones than entire network news teams.

Oakland protesters took to the streets in solidarity with protestors in Baltimore.

Oakland protesters took to the streets last night in solidarity with #Baltimore. While the recent protests in Baltimore began soon after the death of Freddie Gray on April 19, the mainstream media has only recently arrived on the streets. Similar to their coverage of Ferguson and other protests in the wake of recent police slayings of black

The 1st Amendment: Yet Another Victim Of The Baltimore Police

Despite police assurances that media were welcome on the streets after curfew, their first amendment rights — and those of Baltimore citizens — have suffered under rubber bullets and tear gas.

A protestor wears a flag decorated with the name of Freddie Gray during a demonstration outside City Hall, Wednesday, April 29, 2015, in Baltimore.

A protestor wears a flag decorated with the name of Freddie Gray during a demonstration outside City Hall, Wednesday, April 29, 2015, in Baltimore. Editor’s Note: Shawn Carrié, an independent journalist, has written for MintPress News in the past, but he was not on assignment for MintPress at the time of his arrest or assault in

Patriot Act Re-authorization Debate Heats Up In Congress With ‘USA Freedom Act’

With Patriot Act reauthorization quickly coming down the pipe, fight over surveillance reform represented in competing congressional bills.

A 2012 photo inside the NSA security operations center (Photo via Wikimedia Commons) A bipartisan bill, designed to rein in the bulk collection of the private communications of American citizens, was introduced Tuesday by members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, ahead of an upcoming expiration date for key Patriot Act provisions

CNN Guest: Baltimore Protests Are ‘Uprisings’ In Response To ‘Police Terrorism’

It’s not burning because of these protesters. The city is burning because the police killed Freddie Gray and that’s a distinction we have to make.”

A demonstrator raises his fist as police stand in formation as a store burns, Monday, April 27, 2015, during unrest following the funeral of Freddie Gray in Baltimore.

A demonstrator raises his fist as police stand in formation as a store burns, Monday, April 27, 2015, during unrest following the funeral of Freddie Gray in Baltimore. It’s rare for a mainstream media outlet to defend anyone but the police, but recently, during CNN’s live coverage of the Baltimore unrest Monday night commentator Marc Lamont

Rubio Amendment Set To Kill Iran Nuclear Deal

The Rubio Amendment would require that any nuclear deal with Iran include an explicit public endorsement from Iran of Israel’s status as a “Jewish state.”

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. speaks at the Conservative Political Action Committee annual conference in National Harbor, Md., Thursday, March 6, 2014. Rubio said the US is the one nation that can rally people around the globe against the rise of totalitarian governments. (AP/Susan Walsh) While the Senate’s upcoming Iran bill, aiming to give