Archives for 11 月 2014

U.S. Drones Targeted 41 People; Killed 1,147

Earlier last year, the Obama Administration redefined “Militant” to mean “Military Aged Male”, so this way nearly any male who gets killed is considered a violent enemy, at least in the eyes of the general population.

(TheAntiMedia) A new study using public drone strike data was recently conducted by the human-rights group Reprieve, showing that the number of innocent people killed by drones is way higher than the government has been willing to admit.  The study focused on “targeted killings”, which are drone strikes aimed at killing a specific individual. The

Israel’s ‘Jewish State’ Bill Divides Nation

The bill is a variant of a proposal that would’ve made the same definition, but guaranteed equal rights for all ethnic and religious minorities. Netanyahu’s version removed all mentions of equal rights.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to push his bill to change the nation’s Basic Laws to define Israel as an exclusively Jewish State, despite growing signs that the wildly controversial bill is splitting the coalition, and indeed the nation. The bill is a variant of a proposal that would’ve made the same definition, but

Hong Kong Riot Police Clear Protest Site, Arrest Student Leaders

Protesters have been occupying segments of roads, blocking traffic, in the city’s Admiralty district near government offices and Causeway Bay, a major shopping area.

Hong Kong Democracy Protest

Hong Kong police on Wednesday cleared one of the largest protest sites that has choked the city for months, arresting scores of pro-democracy activists in what could be a turning point in the fight to wrest greater political freedom from Beijing's control. Riot police clashed with protesters late into the evening as activists sought to regroup

The Modernized Slave Labor System: Also Known As The Prison Industrial Complex

It’s no doubt the federal government see’s an opportunity in prison labor, as they have used Unicor to have $100 million worth of military uniforms made for as little as $2 an hour.

NC Prison Hospital

(TheAntiMedia) The united states prison system, not only a machine for mass incarceration, but a machine for modernized slave labor. The United States has 5% of the worlds population, yet we have 25% of the worlds prison population. Land of the free right? It would seem the statistics say otherwise, since the official drug war president Nixon

Net Neutrality Coalition Launches To Lead Global Fight For Open Internet And Digital Democracy

‘Net neutrality is not an American issue, or a European issue, or an African issue. It is increasingly a global human rights issue.’

net neutrality

As a movement crystallizes around the future of the Internet, more than 35 human rights and technology organizations from 19 countries have come together as a new coalition to define and protect the idea of 'net neutrality' as they lead what they say is a global battle to protect the Open Internet and online freedom. The numerous and diverse

In First Interview, Darren Wilson Declares He Has A ‘Clear Conscience’

In an exclusive interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos to be aired Tuesday evening, Wilson says he feared for his life.


In his first media interview since he shot and killed an unarmed black teenager on August 9, Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson said he "was sorry for the loss of Michael Brown's life" and "understands the grief of Michael Brown’s parents" but "he has a clean conscience over his actions that day," according to George Stephanopoulos of ABC