Archives for 1 月 2013

The War Years Part V: The Ugly Side Of Dubai

Child camel jockeys from the Indian sub-continent racin […]

Child camel jockeys from the Indian sub-continent racing camels on a 6-km desert course near Dubai in October 1987. (Photo by Norbert Schiller)

From my apartment window high up in the Hyatt Galleria, I had an amazing view of Dubai’s skyline and the Gulf waters. The only building taller than the Hyatt was the Dubai World Trade Center, which I could see off in the distance. Looking out my window at the world below, it wasn’t difficult to understand why I was so happy to be here. Done were my

Netanyahu’s Apartheid Government

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right […]

Amos Oz is a noted Israeli academic, author, journalist and novelist. He's also a vocal Netanyahu critic. More on his recent comments below. It's well known that Israel's government reflects militarized occupation, colonialism and apartheid. It's done to enforce harshness. It continues because it's profitable. Doing so breaches international

Targeting Chavismo: International Players Try To Infringe On Venezuelan Politics

A life-size cut out image of Venezuela’s Presiden […]

A life-size cut out image of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is carried by a Chavez supporter during a symbolic inauguration ceremony for Chavez in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

(CHICAGO) - Dark Washington forces never quit. Nor do media scoundrels. Chavez is fair game. Since 1999, he's been maliciously targeted and maligned. Ill or well makes no difference. Alberto Barrera Tyszka and Cristina Macano are unapologetic. They represent neoliberal corporate views. They got feature New York Times op-ed space. They

Bloomberg & His Sugary Drinks Ban: Machiavelli Of Our Time?

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg addresses the U.S […]

(MintPress) - New York City’s campaign against sugary drinks hit a snag recently when allegations of economic racism surfaced. The New York State Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Hispanic Federation have filed a joint brief complaining that the ban — which would make it a fineable offense in

Mali 101: Spotlight On African Extremist Movements

A sign on the northern road exiting the town of Gao, No […]

(MintPress) - When French Foreign minister Laurent Fabius stated on Jan. 13 that the duration of his country’s military operations in Mali was “a question of weeks,” there were doubts that French troops could wrest northern Mali from Islamist rebel hands that quickly. But on Wednesday, French troops took control of the airport in the northeast

Towering Debate Over Plan To Supersize Midtown

In this March 26, 2012, file photo, One World Trade Cen […]

It was a face-off of legacies. Supporters of Mayor Bloomberg’s proposal to change zoning to allow construction of taller buildings in midtown Manhattan sparred with critics of the plan at a panel discussion at the Yale Club on Tuesday morning. The panel, presented by Crain’s New York Business, was a chance for actors in the unfurling drama to