Archives for 4月 2012

Yemen Seeks US Anti-terror Aid But Limits US Drones

FILE – In this Jan. 31, 2010 file photo, an unmanned U. […]

In this Jan. 31, 2010 file photo, an unmanned U.S. Predator drone flies over Kandahar Air Field, southern Afghanistan, on a moon-lit night. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Yemeni officials want more U.S. counterterrorism aid, including drone strikes and more U.S. military trainers and advisers, to fight a growing threat from al-Qaida, Yemeni officials said late Wednesday. But Yemen rejected a CIA and U.S. military request to expand the use of drone strikes to target groups of fighters who appear

Israel army chief: Other nations could strike Iran

FILE – In this Feb. 14, 2011 file photo, Israeli Chief […]

FILE - In this Feb. 14, 2011 file photo, Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz looks on during a change of the epaulets ceremony in the Prime Minister's office in Jerusalem. Israel's military chief has hinted that other countries could also strike Iran's nuclear sites to keep the country from acquiring atomic weapons. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner, File)

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's military chief said Thursday that other countries have readied their armed forces for a potential strike against Iran's nuclear sites to keep Tehran from acquiring atomic weapons. Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz did not specify which nations might be willing to support or take direct action against Iran. Still, his comments were

85 Arrested As Thousands of Canadian Students Protest Tuition

In this April 20, 2012 photo, a demonstrator is taken a […]

In this April 20, 2012 photo, a demonstrator is taken away from the Montreal Convention Centreas students demonstrate against hikes to university and college tuition fees in Montreal. Police in Canada say 85 people have been arrested after thousands of students angry over tuition increases smashed windows in Montreal in a latest round of protests. The rioting came after talks broke off Wednesday, April 25, 2012, between the Quebec provincial government and student groups over the planned tuition increase of $375 a year. The talks broke off after the government ejected the most militant student group from the discussions. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Paul Chiasson)

MONTREAL (AP) — Police in Canada say 85 people have been arrested after thousands of students angry over tuition increases protested in Montreal, with some smashing windows of businesses. The rioting came after talks broke off Wednesday between the Quebec provincial government and student groups over the planned tuition increase of $375 a

Court: Taylor responsible for Sierra Leone crimes

FILE In this Sept. 1, 1999 file photo, a Sierra Leonean […]

FILE In this Sept. 1, 1999 file photo, a Sierra Leonean whose two hands were hacked off by terrorist rebels helps another place a sling on his functionless hands, which were similarly hacked off at the wrists, but later sewn back for cosmetic reasons only, at the Camp for War Wounded and Amputees, in Freetown, Sierra Leone. On Thursday, April 26, 2012, judges at an international war crimes court will pass judgment on warlord-turned-Liberian president Charles Taylor, who is accused of sponsoring rebels responsible for untold atrocities during Sierra Leone's brutal civil war in return for so-called blood diamonds. The historic verdicts at the Special Court for Sierra Leone will mark the first time an international tribunal has reached judgment in the trial of a former head of state since Nuremberg.(AP Photo/Brennan Linsley, File)

LEIDSCHENDAM, Netherlands (AP) — In a historic ruling, an international court convicted former Liberian President Charles Taylor on Thursday of aiding and abetting war crimes and crimes against humanity for supporting notoriously brutal rebels in neighboring Sierra Leone in return for "blood diamonds." Taylor is the first head of state convicted

Occupy Experiments With New Forms Of Civil Disobedience

Demonstrators march and block a side entrance to the We […]

Demonstrators march and block a side entrance to the Wells Fargo shareholders meeting in San Francisco, Tuesday, April 24, 2012. Police guarded the entrance to the annual meeting of Wells Fargo shareholders on Tuesday as protesters associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement protested the gathering. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

(MintPress)— Occupy Wall Street is developing new tactics for getting its message across to big banks and corporations which it says aren’t paying their fair share after getting big bailouts from taxpayers. Members of the movement have begun buying shares in various corporations, including Wells Fargo and General Electric, and then attending

Study Claiming Antidepressant Dangers Says Drugs ‘Do More Harm Than Good’

** FILE ** Jason McIntosh, a production technician at E […]

Anti-depressant drugs produced by Eli Lilly are shown here. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings, file)

(MintPress) – One in ten Americans assumes the risk of antidepressants in order to curb emotion, mood and anxiety. A new study, however, is saying that the physical risks and side effects could outweigh the benefits of antidepressant medication. At the high rate of which antidepressants are prescribed, those in the mental health field have come