Archives for 9 月 2017

“Tit-For-Tat”: Russia Accuses CNN Of “Violating Russian Media Law”

Russian president Putin said that “such pressure on Russian media is unacceptable” and that any hostile actions taken against Russian media in the U.S. would be met with a “tit-for-tat response.”

medicare for all

The "Russian collusion" crusade took a bizarre turn yesterday when Twitter, apparently in the absence of any tangible evidence that Kremlin spies exploited the social media service to undermine the 2016 election, decided to publicly disclose the exact amount of advertising revenue it received from Russia Today during 2016. It's unclear what that

US Ambassador Falsely Claims Israel Only Occupies 2% Of West Bank

State Department officials were quick to insist that US policy is that the settlements are not part of Israel and that this has not changed.

David Friedman gaza

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman has once again publicly contradicted official US policy on Thursday, declaring that the settlements in the West Bank are a permanent part of Israel, and falsely claiming that Israel only occupies some 2% of the overall West Bank. Legally speaking, Israel occupies 100% of the West Bank, though as a practical

In Allowing Women To Drive, Saudi Arabia Looks To Cover It’s War Tracks

It’s hard to go negative on such a positive and long overdue reform, but that seems to be precisely the point, as Saudi Arabia times its lifting of ban on women driving to drown a critical UN vote and ongoing financial and diplomatic woes in flood of glowing media coverage.

Saudi Arabia women drivers

RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA – (Analysis) On Tuesday, international corporate media outlets were abuzz with the news that the hyper-conservative kingdom of Saudi Arabia had finally lifted its ban on women drivers. A royal decree credited to King Salman was responsible for the sudden change in policy, which Prince Khaled bin Salman, the king’s son and the

Iraq Deploys Troops To Oil-Rich Kirkuk After Kurdistan Vote

Currently, Israel is the only country which has voiced public support for Kurdish independence – something which has earned the condemnation of Turkey, Iran, and others in the region.

Turkish and Iraqi soldiers sit on Turkish tanks during the exercises in Silopi, near the Habur border gate with Iraq, southeastern Turkey, Sept. 26, 2017. (AP Photo)

Immediately on the heels of the Iraqi Kurdistan "yes" vote, the Iraqi parliament approved sending troops to the disputed Kirkuk region to prevent the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) from taking full control of the oil-rich area. Preliminary official results out Wednesday indicate a 92% vote in favor of Kurdish independence. A written

New Poll Finds Majority Of Americans Think President ‘Unfit To Serve’

Fifty-seven percent of independents and ninety-four percent of Democrats think president not equipped to hold nation’s highest office.

sad trump

A new Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday shows that a majority of Americans believe Donald Trump is "unfit to serve" as commander-in-chief and head of the nation's executive branch. Alongside an overall disapproval rating of 57 percent (with only 36 approving of his job performance), the survey revealed that by a 56 percent believe Trump does

FBI Stops Publishing Data On Marijuana Arrest Rates

According to 2015 data, 83.9 percent of drug arrests were for possession, and 38.6 percent of those possession arrests were over cannabis, the highest of any drug.

In this photo taken Wednesday June 20, 2012, David Kosmecki, left, talks to Idaho State Police Trooper Justin Klitch in Fruitland, Idaho. Kosmecki was stopped and charged with possession of marijuana (AP Photo/Nigel Duara)

According to the latest FBI data, drug arrests in the United States increased from 2015 to 2016. Though the federal agency used to provide breakdowns on the details of these arrests in its annual “Crime in the United States” report - including which drugs were in question and whether the arrests were made over possession or sale - in its latest