Archives for 3月 2014

Forget Russian Gas, Just Frack Europe: Obama

Obama calls for combination of European fracking and US exports to serve EU energy needs

Police prepare to remove a protestor from the top of a vehicle waiting to enter an exploratory drill site for the controversial gas extraction process known as fracking at Barton Moss in Manchester, England, Monday, Jan. 13, 2014. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

Speaking after a meeting with European leaders at the EU-US summit in Brussels on Wednesday, President Barack Obama suggested that the U.S. is open to exporting fracked shale gas, once promised as the source of American "energy independence," to the EU  and urged the EU to open up its own fracking reserves amid energy fears related to the crisis in

Britain Set To Hold First Same-Sex Weddings

The definition of marriage in Britain has changed from a union of a man and a woman: “Now it’s between two people who love each other.”

LONDON (AP) — The British government has ordered rainbow flags flown over two prominent government buildings to mark the country's first same-sex weddings. The flags are being raised Friday ahead of the law taking effect on Saturday. It marks a profound shift in attitudes in a country that little more than a decade ago had a law on the books

The World Has A New Piracy Hotspot

Sorry, Hollywood. It’s nowhere near Somalia.

  BANGKOK — Maybe God has a soft spot for pirates. That would explain the Strait of Malacca, a natural paradise for seafaring bandits. Imagine an aquatic highway flowing between two marshy coasts. One shoreline belongs to Malaysia, the other to Indonesia. Each offers a maze of jungly hideaways: inlets and coves that favor pirates’

20 Years: Rwanda Genocide Flame Stirs Memories

“This is something that happens every year, an event to help each Rwandan personally remember what happened, and examine the causes … And also to see the path to move forward on.”

  NYARUBUYE, Rwanda (AP) — Rows of human skulls sit in glass cases near the red brick Catholic church here. Some are cracked in half; holes are punched in others. Hundreds of arm and leg bones lie nearby. To the left is a table of tools: rusty shovels, hoes, pipes, and a machete — the weapons of genocide. Down the hill 10 miles (15

These Are The 5 Guantanamo Detainees That Might Be Moving To Uruguay

Who are the Gitmo prisoners set for release? It’s still unconfirmed, but when President Mujica mentioned their nationalities, he left little room for doubt.

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay — President Jose Mujica has stunned residents here by accepting a deal proposed by the United States to give refuge to five prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba. Since Mujica’s sudden announcement last week, there’s been some confusion about what’s happening with the prisoners. Mujica told local

Stakes Are High For Cuba Foreign Investment Law

Although there’s no sign the 52-year-old U.S. embargo will be lifted anytime soon, the new foreign investment law could be one of the most vital building blocks to reform the country’s struggling economy.

HAVANA (AP) — Cuban authorities are on the verge of enacting a new foreign investment law considered one of the most vital building blocks of President Raul Castro's effort to reform the country's struggling economy. The law is seen as so important that an extraordinary session of parliament has been scheduled for Saturday so the matter doesn't