Archives for 10月 2013

Report: Death Penalty’s Majority Is Slipping

Six in 10 Americans still support executions, but it’s a big drop from 20 years ago.

The U.S. stands as one of the last Western powers to actively execute its citizens. Despite the fact that more than two-thirds of all nations have abolished the practice by law or through practice, despite the fact that the death penalty has not been proven to be an effective deterrent against crime, and despite a clear bias on socioeconomic and

California GOP Garners Donations From Unlikely Source: Unions

Why are some otherwise Democratic-leaning unions in California sending donations to the Republicans?

Although California has one of the highest numbers of registered Democrats in the country and the number of California Republicans is in decline, the state’s unions and public employees are beginning to open up their pocketbooks and making donations to the Republican Party. Why? According to an article in the Washington Times,“California’s

Study: Fracking Sucks Up Freshwater At Alarming Rate

Fracking uses a lot of lake and river water. A new study finds less than a tenth of it ever gets recycled.

Fracking in the Marcellus Shale of Pennsylvania and West Virginia do not only use millions of gallons of water per operation, according to a new report. The study also shows that operations fail to return almost all that water to its purified form. The report, from San Jose State University, focused on water use and reporting in hydraulic

US Failing To Ensure Stronger Colombian Labor Standards, Congressmen Warn

U.S. government’s inability to enforce free trade deal in Colombia could hold lessons ahead of TPP.

WASHINGTON – Two years after a major free-trade agreement was signed between the United States and Colombia, a key roadmap aimed at cleaning up the latter’s atrocious labor practices is failing on the ground, two members of the U.S. House of Representatives warned this week. Critics say the experience belies the hope that the U.S. government could

一项危险的运动:前 NFL 后卫凯文·特纳的案例


Former Philadelphia Eagles fullback Kevin Turner talks about his fight with the NFL and his awareness campaign on the long-term consequences of head injuries sustained while playing football. America’s favorite sport is under the spotlight as former players reveal the heavy price they have paid for playing the gladiatorial all-American

Iraq War Veteran Chante Wolfe On The Role Of Private Security Companies

Former Iraq veteran reveals the true nature of war and the role that mercenaries play in Afghanistan.

[soundcloud id='115651871'] In an interview with Chante Wolfe, former Iraq veteran she reveals the true nature of war and the role that mercenaries play in Afghanistan. As the world media spotlight fixes to the Syria crisis, hidden from view is the continuing bloody war raging in Afghanistan, where civilian casualties are escalating. Adding