Archives for 4 月 2013

In Party Sea Change, New Republican Group Lobbies For Same-Sex Marriage In US States

Paul Singer sits durign the World Economic Forum in Dav […]

The ground is shifting underneath the feet of mainstream Republicans. Many Republicans now see support of same-sex marriage as a way to gain relevance with a changing voting populace. After the 2012 presidential election, in which the Republicans were handily defeated by Democratic support from Latinos, African Americans and gay populations, many

NYPD Stop-And-Frisk Whistleblowers Face Retribution

In this June 20, 2012 file photo, Det. Anthony Mannuzza […]

“I was extremely bothered by what I was seeing out there,” said New York Police Department (NYPD) officer Adhyl Polanco on the stand during testimony last month. “The racial profiling, the arresting people for no reason, being called to scenes that I did not observe a violation and being forced to write a summons that I didn’t observe.” Polanco is

Altruism In The Wake Of Human Destruction: A Message Of Hope

In the aftermath of the Boston Bombing tragedy, examples of human altruism that emerged perhaps showcase the best of humanity, and a glimmer of hope.

“Real love is not based on attachment, but on altruism." The Dalai Lama stated this recently at a talk he gave at the Taj Mahal in Delhi. “Thus, the practice of compassion and wisdom is useful to all, especially to those responsible for running national affairs, in whose hands lie the power and opportunity to create the structure of world

US Supreme Court Decision Restricts Freedom Of Information Requests

On April 29, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that state go […]

“We strongly disagree with the decision on a number of grounds, ranging from increased discrimination against certain classes of ... in-state requesters to the additional burden it puts on every requester … in order to continue ensuring broad access to public records,” writes MuckRock News, an open government organization lambasting a recent U.S.

Invisible Sports Asterisks: Jackie Robinson Film Highlights Who’s Missing From History

The film “42” details the life of baseball legend Jackie Robinson’s as he becomes the first Black player to play major league baseball in America.

This month the new film about Jackie Robinson’s life, “42,” was released. It details the trials and travails of the baseball legend as he becomes the first Black player to play major league baseball in America. There are some, and at times this writer is one of them, who believe that too great of an emphasis is placed on sports -- that a

California Police Forced To Return Marijuana Seized In Unlawful Raid

Police in California reportedly returned hundreds of de […]

The Vallejo Police Department in Vallejo, Calif., was forced to return more than $200,000 worth of marijuana last week to two dispensaries after a judge ruled the collectives were illegally raided. In February 2012, Vallejo police raided six dispensaries, including Better Health Group and L.E.S., and charged the owners with marijuana distribution.