Haiti is adrift. Since the July 7 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse by Colombian mercenaries, the Haitian people have effectively had no coherent state leadership. Two weeks after the grisly killing, Washington and its allies, assembled in an ambassadorial front called the “Core Group,” appointed Dr. Ariel Henry, a long-time U.S.
另一个愿景:海地起义内部描绘了一场在海地首都太子港的贫民窟中酝酿的革命。这部纪录片在多次访问这个岛国的过程中拍摄,讲述了“G9 家族和盟国的革命力量,混蛋,你混蛋”的故事,并展示了海地的统治阶级如何与美国密谋扼杀海地在革命开始之前。