WASHINGTON DC -- Thousands of people came from all over the country to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., to protest the vaccine mandates being implemented throughout the nation. The Defeat the Mandates DC rally drew attendees from a wide variety of political stripes. Physicians, attorneys, grassroots organizers and activists, athletes
观看:随着全国“击败授权 DC”集会克服政治分歧,媒体崩溃
数千人从华盛顿纪念碑游行到林肯纪念堂,抗议在美国各城市实施的疫苗规定。在企业媒体中被冠以“极端分子”的标签,各种政治派别的集会者听取了 30 多位演讲者的发言。头条新闻背后的丹·科恩报道了抗议活动。